Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Great words of blogging encouragement

I just wanted to write a little post to share this post from Cait Flanders, about growing your blog slowly, and not becoming a slave to the numbers.  It's a great read, and a timely reminder to 'do you' with your blog, and not worry too much about what you think people might want to read.  It's super helpful and encouraging, and I'm sure I'll come back to it any time I get hit by blogging malaise.  (Hopefully not too often). 


  1. Great advice! I began and have continued my blog as a way to record, write about & photograph that which brings me a sense of hope and optimism. Along the way, I have become part of a little blogging community of like-minded folk from whom I learn and gather so many ideas. Their positive comments always encourage me and, in turn, I hope the comments I leave for them encourage them too. Meg:)

  2. Hi, Meg, thanks for your comment and your support, much appreciated! Yes to hope and optimism! It's fantastic to find like-minded people through blogs, in my case there aren't so many of these in real life - a few, but not loads. It's great to feel you're not on your own :) E x
