Monday, 8 September 2014

Zero Waste Week - Days 6 & 7 and round up

Days 6 and 7 were weekend days, of course, and we nearly always eat lunch at home.  I believe we had more rolls and houmous, so just using up what I'd bought for Friday's lunch.  For me, I'd say that Zero Waste Week was mostly successful, apart from the one blip I had when my plans went awry.  It wasn't easy though!  I have to say that surprised me, but then it's the first time I've made a concerted effort to make homemade food every day.  Anyway, here are my round-up Q&As:

 1. What was the favourite thing you learned / your greatest insight from Zero Waste Week?

I really learned that the key to zero waste is organisation.  And that's really why convenience foods have taken hold of us - I don't need to think or plan ahead if I can just nip down the canteen or out to the shops for something to eat. 

2. Do you think you reduced your overall landfill waste this week? If so, by how much?

Yes I did - by 4 sets of plastic sandwich containers.

 3. Are there any new habits (or resurrected habits!) you put in place this week that you intend to keep?  Yes, I will make greater efforts at weekly food planning, and also building in more variety whilst reducing waste.

4. Do you think you've saved any money during Zero Waste Week? If so, how much?

 I didn’t tot it up but I’d estimate about £10, which is not bad at all.

5. What helped you the most with achieving your Zero Waste Week goal(s)?

I’m not sure anything really helped that much – I just gone on with it...

6. If you could choose the theme for Zero Waste Week 2015, what would it be?

Recycling textiles/zero waste wardrobe, something along those lines.

7. Sum up your experience of Zero Waste Week in one sentence or add any other comments about the week you wish...

Ultimately, participating in Zero Waste Week was a positive experience.  Every time I buy a sandwich, I hate throwing away the wrapper, but breaking the convenience food habit (and any other wasteful habit, for that matter)really is worth the effort. 

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